The printing house was situated at 24, Katukurunduwatta Road, Rathmalana. The damage estimated at millions of rupees.
Today issue of Morning Leader print run was on, when the gang of 15 forced themselves into the printing house. The gang first forced management and workers to hand over their mobile phones and to kneel down before setting fire to the machines, according to journalists who visited the scene.
Recently the Morning Leader editor has been very critical of Asia Tribune website, which according to the editor working in hand in hand with the break away LTTE militant group now headed by Pilleyan. She filed a civil defamation case against the web site weeks ago and in retaliation website unleashed a series of articles attacking the editor.
The Sunday leader printing press was set on fire earlier occasion on 17th October 2005 in the run up to presidential election. The newspaper and its editor Mr. Lasantha Wikramatunga as well as Morning Leader Editor Sonali Samarasinghe have been harassed and threatened continuously during the last two years. All Leader publications are very critical towards the government and exponents of opposition political views.
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